Easy Guide to Samsung Dryer Troubleshooting
Inside of a Samsung Dryer
How to Troubleshoot the Most Common Issues on Your Samsung Dryer [2023]
Samsung dryers have gained a reputation for being user-friendly, and easy to maintain, but not the most durable appliance brand on the market today. — it's no surprise that you found yourself here reading an article titled "Samsung Dryer Troubleshooting"
Despite its convenience, your dryer is not entirely foolproof. Under careless mistakes or eventual wear and tear, it will encounter errors.
You can avoid every problem if you know what to keep an eye out for — better yet, every problem has a solution.
These steps will help you prepare for all the common issues your dryer may encounter. From recognizing the problem to troubleshooting it, we’ll guide you through every step!
3 Common issues with Samsung dryers and Tips for Samsung Dryer Troubleshooting
Your dryer may send error codes, which can provide you with information on which part of the dryer to troubleshoot. In some cases, these errors may be indicative of a larger problem within your dryer's components.
1. Samsung dryer refuses to power up or remains on.
If your dryer has power and remains turned on, but fails to start a cycle, or if it appears to have started the cycle but doesn't rotate the drum, refer to our troubleshooting guide for detailed solutions.
Trip the breaker, unplug the dryer and carefully look at the power cable and where it connects to the machine.
Inspect the plug, cord, and outlet for burn marks and damage while it's unplugged. If you see any damage, such as burn marks, it is important to immediately stop what you're doing and contact a local licensed electrician.
Installation of a power cord to the dryer is required for electric dryers. Check and see if it has been installed correctly. See if it has come loose. The power cord will need to be reinstalled or replaced. A licensed electrician or professional installer should handle this for you, as we recommend. If the dryer has powered on before, though, and nothing about the connection seems out of place, you should continue with your Samsung dryer troubleshooting.
The easiest way to confirm the circuit isn't tripped is by doing this.
Gas dryers require a 15 Amp circuit, which can be connected to a regular 3-prong outlet. Sometimes circuits that trip look like circuits that are turned on. They need to be completely shut off before they can be switched back on.
Electric dryers utilize two-part circuits, totaling 30 Amps, and require specialized 240-volt outlets. In rare instances, the circuit may be "half-tripped." Power off both circuits for about half a minute then switch them back to the ON position to rectify this issue.
Check the outlet (gas dryers only) if the drum light doesn't come on when you open the door.
To see if your dryer is receiving power, even if the control panel stays blank, a quick way is to open the door and check if the drum light comes on. Test the outlet by plugging in something else, like a phone charger or a lamp, if the drum light doesn't come on. Contact a licensed electrician if the outlet isn't working.
If your model doesn't have a drum light, you won't have that shortcut and will need to test the outlet regardless.
Electric dryers can skip this step because they use a different type of outlet that isn't as easy to test.
2. Samsung Dryer Not Heating: Troubleshooting Guide
The most common issue reported with Samsung dryers is that the dryer is not heating. Usually, a burnt-out heating element is the cause of this issue with Samsung dryers. However, a blown thermal fuse, a defective thermistor, or a ventilation blockage may also be the cause.
A defective Heating Element can cause various issues.
At least 15 years is the expected lifespan of the heating element in a well-maintained dryer. However, heating issues with Samsung dryers are often caused by a burnt-out heating element. The element typically burns out because of wear and tear and a failure to maintain clear ventilation, resulting in pressure on the heating element.
To check the heating element:
Unplug the dryer from the power source. Turn off the gas if you have a gas dryer.
Locate the heating element. A metal frame will typically surround the heating coils and hold the heating element leads on most models. This can be intimidating for the average homeowner. It might be a good time to call an experienced appliance repair technician at Atlas Appliance Repair. CALL NOW: 772-238-0207
Check the element for damage, such as broken coils.
To test the heating element for continuity, use a multimeter. If the heating element does not have continuity or is shorted, it will be necessary to replace it.
Blown Thermal Fuse
Another common issue with Samsung dryers is the lack of heating caused by a blown thermal fuse. A safety device called the thermal fuse is designed to prevent your dryer from catching fire. If the dryer temperature exceeds a certain level with newer models, the thermal fuse is blown, resulting in the dryer stopping working. The dryer may continue to work without producing heat with older models. If you suspect this is your issue CALL NOW at 772-238-0207
3. Samsung dryer turns on but fails to start or spin.
If your dryer isn't spinning, unfortunately, it usually means that service is required. Performing one quick test is essential to ensure that the cycle is being started correctly. Make sure it's not something as simple as “Child Lock”.
Child Lock should be turned off.
"Child Lock" is a safety feature designed to stop kids from starting the dryer. It will prevent the dryer from starting. If the drum fails to spin when attempting to start a cycle, it could be the Child Lock feature.
To Turn off Child Lock look at your dryer display and search for buttons that say "Child Lock". Follow the instructions on how to turn Child Lock on or off.
Check if the Dryer Belt is broken or slipped off.
If your Samsung dryer isn't spinning when you try to start it, one possible reason could be that the belt has broken. This is easy to check. With the dryer turned off, try spinning the drum with your hand. If the drum spins free, without any resistance, the belt is most likely broken or has slipped off the tensioner pulley. This would be a good time to contact Samsung Support or Atlas Appliance Repair at 772-238-0207
When your dryer stops working it can be very frustrating. Fixing a Samsung dryer or any home appliance can be dangerous. When in doubt always call a professional appliance repair technician. To book an appointment Call Now at 772-238-0207 or return to our home page here